A pesar de estar cumpliendo 10 años, este libro sigue describiendo a la perfección la ciencia detrás de los motores de búsqueda y su importancia para cualquier empresa:
“Through organic search, you can reach potential customers at the very moment they are considering a purchase and provide them information exactly when they are looking for it.”
También da consejos evergreen sobre cómo hacer un keyword research:
“Let your potential customers tell you what they are looking for. This way, you won’t interrupt your potential audience from the task they’re focusing on in order to get their attention. Instead, what you have to offer is crucial to their current task.”
Y de cómo saber qué métricas medir en unas estrategia de tráfico orgánico:
The specific metrics that help you measure your business are unique to your site, but always evaluate them against the following:
-Do they give you insight into how well you are meeting your goals?
-Are they actionable? What will you do with this data?
Para el 2009, el SEO tenía fama de ser una basura. En este libro, Fox se encarga de aclarar por qué el SEO realmente es útil y no debería ser satanizado:
And the term ‘‘search engine optimization’’ is a bit of a misnomer because it implies that you’re optimizing your site for search engines when in reality you’re optimizing your site for your audience (who often are searchers) and ensuring your site is built to be successful in an online environment.
Al final, también habla de la actuación de las redes sociales y comunidades en línea en todo el panorama:
Social media can help on all of these fronts, working as a brand amplifier and customer support extension to deepen engagement with your customers.